Suicide and Teens

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Suicide among Adolescents In general, suicide is attempted/completed by persons who are experiencing intense psychological pain in response to unmet needs. Lacking the skills and the resources to cope with this pain, they use suicide as the only viable solution to end their suffering. "Due to the prevalence of the attempted and completed suicides, it is not surprising that suicide is the most frequent crisis situation encountered by mental health professionals." (Paulson, Worth, 2002) A …

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…s_after.html SAVE (1996). Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. Retrieved October 20th, 2003 From Suicide Intervention Handbook (1994). Calgary: Living Works Education Inc. U.S Public Health Services (1999). The Surgeon Generals Call to Action To Prevent Suicide. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved October 20th, 2003 From Vannatta, Rachel A. (1997). Adolescent Gender Differences in Suicide-Related Behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol. 26, No. 5, p. 559-568