Suicide: an Increase in Teens

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
In general, suicide is attempted/completed by persons who are experiencing intense psychological pain in response to unmet needs. Lacking the skills and the resources to cope with this pain, they use suicide as the only viable solution to end their suffering. "Due to the prevalence of the attempted and completed suicides, it is not surprising that suicide is the most frequent crisis situation encountered by mental health professionals." (Paulson, Worth, 2002) A huge crisis exists …

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…to understand and sympathize with each unique, individual person. Rather than hastily referring to guidelines while dictating and diagnosing a patient with a disorder, each case, each person and their respective families must be helped with an unbiased view, a clean slate. This may seem highly idealistic but the most fundamental aspect of healing involves nurturing and care, and everyone is different and should be treated the way their individual problems need to be attended.