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Emile Durkheim was born in the eastern French province of Lorraine on April 15, 1858. He was the son of a rabbi and descended from a long line of rabbis. He decided to become a rabbi like his father. He studied Hebrew, the Old Testament, and the Talmud while going to school. Soon after, he decided he did not believe in what he was taught and moved away from his involvement in religion. During the time
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Levin, Jack. 1999. Sociological Snapshots 3. Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everyday Life. Pine Forge Press; Thousand Oaks, California. London. New Delhi. Lester, David. 1990a. Mortality from Suicide and Homicide for African Americans in the USA: A Regional Analysis. Omega 22: 219-226 Scandinavian Sociological Association. 1991. Alcohol and Suicide-Durkheim revisited. A cta Sociologica, Fall 1991. Vol. 34n3 p.193(14) Stack, Steven. 1998. Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature. Wayne State University, February 11, 1998 Thompson, Kenneth. 1992. Emile Durkheim. London: Tavistock Publications
Levin, Jack. 1999. Sociological Snapshots 3. Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everyday Life. Pine Forge Press; Thousand Oaks, California. London. New Delhi. Lester, David. 1990a. Mortality from Suicide and Homicide for African Americans in the USA: A Regional Analysis. Omega 22: 219-226 Scandinavian Sociological Association. 1991. Alcohol and Suicide-Durkheim revisited. A cta Sociologica, Fall 1991. Vol. 34n3 p.193(14) Stack, Steven. 1998. Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature. Wayne State University, February 11, 1998 Thompson, Kenneth. 1992. Emile Durkheim. London: Tavistock Publications