Suicide 3

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Since the beginning of time, people have been committing suicide. Self inflicted death, or suicide, can be defined as "choosing the mode, time, situation, or occasion for ending one's life." In general, the word suicide has a negative connotation and is looked upon unfavorably. Yet in some circumstances, killing oneself can be considered acceptable or even the right thing to do. There are several aspects to suicide and the law, but I am only going …

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…by the law for assisting in a suicide. Only time can tell what will become of suicide and the law. Today there are still cases in the court battling to try and legalize assisted suicide. Suicide is not the way out of everything though. I understand in some cases that it might be the best thing , like saving a loved one from excruciating pain yet nothing can be so bad that it deserves taking your