Such a Long Journey and Family Matters: Family Relationships Author: Rohinton Mistry

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Rohinton Mistry's new 469 page novel, Family Matters deals with a plot concerning an extended family breaking down when the patriarch, Nariman Vakeel, a retired English professor, breaks his ankle and requires home nursing care. Mistry's first novel, Such a Long Journey deals with the issues of family affairs like, hopes for the future, family feuds and generation gaps. The protagonists Gustad Noble from Such a Long Journey and Nariman Vakeel from, Family Matters suffer from …

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…to escape their problems, Nariman drifts off with music and his true love Lucy, while Gustad imagines himself as a Indiana Jones, who is on a mission to slay evil creatures. The daydreaming in these novels can be compared to the protagonist from The Araby, since they share a very similar theme, the theme of running away to a distant land. The novels also have a very similar plot, they both deal with family breakdowns.