Success of Wipro (Executive Summary)

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A decade ago, Wipro was an anonymous conglomerate selling cooking oil and personal computers, mostly in India. Today, it is a $930 million-a-year global company, and most of its business comes from information-technology services. Since 1997, Wipro's revenue has grown by an average of 26% a year while profits have grown by 69%. ( Its 15,000 technologists write software, integrate back-office solutions, design semiconductors, debug applications, take orders, and field help calls for some of …

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…adapted to the market as technology shifted. Wipro understands its customer's needs and requirements by analyzing the market trends (such as SEI-CMM, Six Sigma, PMP, etc.) and adapting quickly to meet them. If Wipro does take advantage of other low cost regions (such as Vietnam and Philippines) and continues to adapt to the market changes just as they have done thus far they will continue to be successful and stay competitive for years to come.