Succes and how it is expressed by our culture, and in the book School Girls by Peggy Orenstein.

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Essay Database > Literature
Success is defined by Webster's Dictionary as: "The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted." For me there are many different levels of success. I consider success something that you work hard for, whether is be getting a good grade on a paper or in a class. Or maybe it's winning in a sporting event, and now your team is the league champs. What ever it maybe, it is something special to you, and you …

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…almost as much time as doctors do in college. Yet since they don't make as much money, they are not always viewed as being successful. If you view having a lot of money, nice cars, and other luxuries as being "successful". Then should we rank drug lords, mob bosses, and other people that have gotten to where they are at from cheating and stealing. With doctors, lawyers, and everyone else that our society considers "successful"?