Stylistic Analysis of Tim O'Brien's Writing

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Tim O'Brien is a highly acclaimed Vietnam War novelist. His depictions of the war are both gruesome and disturbing. O'Brien achieves such reality in his books by drawing material for his novels from his own experience. He uses imagination and fiction to find meaning in those experiences. The passions and ideas in his novels appeal to American readers with broad differences in political allegiance and social background. The novels are intimately personal, psychological, and explanatory. …

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…A. Schmitt. Vol. 103. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1998. O'Brien, Tim. In the Lake of the Woods. New York: Houghton Mifflin/Seymour Lawrence, 1994. <Tab/>- - -. Going After Cacciato. New York: Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence, 1978. <Tab/>Rollyson, Carl, ed. Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Vol. 5. Pasadena: Salem Press, Inc., 2000. <Tab/>Wilson, Robert. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Deborah A. Schmitt. Vol. 103. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1998.