Study notes on the conflict in indo-china (Aust syllabus)

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 25442
Pages: 93
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > History > World History
Conflict in Indo-China Extras: Evidence:: 1.<Tab/>Medical photographs of Napalm Burns 2.<Tab/>My Lai Massacre - over one hundred unarmed Vietnamese civilians <Tab/><Tab/>àOfficial army photographer - hidden camera 3.<Tab/>Secret Bombing of Cambodia - America uninformed <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/&…

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…US bombing campaigns <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>àagriculture had been seriously effected <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>àwater buffalos 2.<Tab/>Severe damage to the North's infrastructure (roads, bridges and factories) 3.<Tab/>Devastation; including defoliation and Napalm, especially in the South