Study guide for Antoine de Saint Exupéry's "The Little Prince"

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Essay Database > Literature
1. Six years before the narrator wrote down this story, his plane wrecked because of an engine problem. At sunrise, the Little Prince appears suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, mesmerizing the narrator. The Prince seems to stir up the emotions the narrator had when he was a child. The narrator, at the request of the Little Prince, begins drawing sheep and then a sheep in a box. By the very end of chapter two, the …

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…not happy the Prince has left, but he is understanding and glad that the Prince has found peace. The Saint-Exupery's final picture is the saddest in the entire world, because when he looks at it, he understands that the most special person in the entire world has left it. Additionally, every time he looks up at that star, or any star for that matter, all he can think of is his friend, the Little Prince.