Study Notes for The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Duddy Kravitz Notes ?<Tab/>Cosmopolitan ?<Tab/>Cultural *<Tab/>You can walk into other culture and take part in it ?<Tab/>London = Perfect Example ?<Tab/>Montreal *<Tab/>Truest example in Canada ?<Tab/>Toronto & Vancouver *<Tab/>Ethnic Groups ?<Tab/>…

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…it, you leave *<Tab/>Try to get it *<Tab/>MacPherson's earliest student's kids didn't go to FFHS ?<Tab/>Moved to Outremont ?<Tab/>Goy = Yiddish to mock Gentiles ?<Tab/>2 Things Immature Kids Do *<Tab/>Safety in Numbers *<Tab/>It was only a Joke ?<Tab/>