Students caught between two worlds

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
<Tab/>America culture is made up of foreign cultures. Some say America is a "big melting pot." All foreign cultures melted in this "big melting pot," and created this unique culture. However, these foreign cultures, the people in fact, need time to melt and dissolve. Ironically, there are people who do not even melt at all. People who live in China Town, for example, never have to speak a single English …

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…use their native language with their peers and family. It is very difficult to be bilingual, using two languges consistently. It is a social problem that needs to be address more throughly. There are those who cannot manage and give up academically. Many fail out of school because it is too much to handle. Hopefully their families and schools will realize these kids need support and find ways to reduce the difficulty of foreign students.