"Students Should Not Be Forced to Do Community Service" This essay explains the negative effects of forcing students to fulfill a community service requirement in high school.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Do you think you would have the time and effort to add a forced 75 hours of community service into your life? Well, the Massachusetts legislature is considering adding this idea as a requirement to graduate high school! To those already with the high stakes of MCAS and 130 credits worth of courses to pass, students may increase the dropout rate. This requirement may keep many students back from graduating, could lessen the quality of service, and …

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…even sleeping disorders! As a result, forcing students to complete 75 hours of community service is a disservice to them. This requirement could hold too many otherwise eligible students back from graduating. It could also cause the quality of work to decrease and increase the stress and pressure put on high school teens. High school is the place for students to learn the fundamentals of knowledge. Grades should be enough of a requirement to assess this.