Strong passion to pursue an MBA of a student from the 3rd world

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1.<Tab/>At the very beginning, I would emphasize that I am living and working in HoChiMinh City, Vietnam where business growth has been increasing day-by-day. It is expected that in a near future the business environments in this area will follow the steps of developed countries and therefore the management must possess internationally broad views and visions, as well as better managerial skills. That is the reason why I am applying …

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…in language before I officially take the graduate courses (if admitted). I will take at least one 11-week program if having the opportunity to enter into the College of Business. I would like to apply for the MBA program offered by Rochester Institute of Technology as I recognize the necessity to enrich my knowledge and pursue my aspiration as well as the appropriation to your requirements. I am waiting for your evaluation and early response.