Strikes 2

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Are strikes necessary? Throughout the years, there have been major strikes in many countries but mainly in industrialised countries. The stoppage of normal operations to protest against an action or condition has taken place in different situations and for various reasons. A strike is most of the time a measure of last resort by those protesting mainly to express a grievance or to enforce a demand. Views diverge on whether strikes generate development in certain …

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…strike in 1936, which paralysed Palestine and they declared he strike would last until British halted Jewish immigration. After about five months, the Arabs ended the strike without having achieved their goal. To a certain extent, strikes are undeniably necessary. It is a definite bargaining weapon in many sectors. Many have achieved their aims through strikes. Yet, it is not always the case. Strikes do have major disadvantages as it has been shown through the years.