Stresses of College

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Essay Database > Literature > English
While college is a time for learning, for new experiences and self-discovery for students, it can also be a time for anxiety, stress and depression, leading on rare occasions to students trying to hurt themselves. This stress and depression stems from the pressures of competing at too early an age. This results in students encountering the adult responsibilities prematurely. While students still crave the nurturing effects of their parents, they often feel compelled to choose …

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…about managing your time, developing your people skills and learning to live on your own. However, if college acts as a haven to get away from your overbearing parents, then it has lost its main function. This can relate to the story of the rabbit and the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race. If a child is able to develop at a reasonable pace, then in the end the finish line is more attainable.