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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Undoubtedly, stress is a given. "Stress is a state of tension that is created when an individual responds to pressures that come from work, family, or other external sources as well as those that are internally generated from self-imposed demands, obligations, and self-criticism" (Keegan, 2001). Dealing with stress is only a matter of when, why, and how. Four major categories are used to identify different types of stress as well as two subcategories. The duration and …

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… Bamboo web Dictionary, (n.d.) Time-management. Retrieved Nov. 12, 2005, from Stress relief, yoga, meditation and other relaxation techniques. (1996). Retrieved Nov. 12, 2005, from help guide Web site: The Road To Resilience. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov. 12, 2005, from APA Help Center Web site: .