Stress and Stress Management

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Stress can be loosely defined as anything that is experienced as a threat to your stability or equilibrium. A portion of your nervous system is activated to ready the body to meet the demands brought on by an emotional upset. The stress responses is a physiological response to stress that results in heightened mental and physical awareness such as elevated heartrate, faster breathing, dilated pupils, and tense muscles. Stress can be broken down into three …

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…attention span, boredom, or frustration. Included as well might easily be anger, irritability, and impatience. As well as behavorial symptoms, there are many physiological reactions. For example, tension and migraine headaches, dizziness, and teeth grinding are some common symptoms. Some others might include increased blood pressure, palpitations, or heart pounding. Also acid stomach, general stomach aches, indigeation or hyperventilation frequently occur. There are many other physiological, as well as behavioral responses due to stressful situations.