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Essay Database > Literature > English
Heather Ngo Stress: How it effects our daily lives and how to manage it Stress is a normal part of life. Every person experiences stress one way or another, and everyone has their own way of handling it. Some ignore their problems while others face them. Stress can either harm you or make you who you are. When I have stress, I chose to let it make me into a stronger person, to focus and …

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…conclusion, if we learn to understand where stress comes from, it will be easier to deal with. Stress can not always be avoided, but it can almost always be treated. Rest and relaxation are the best ways to prevent illness due to stress. Vacationing, taking time to relax, and venting your anger are good ways to relieve stress. Conscious stress management/reduction techniques -with practice, will put us on the road to healthier, happier lives.