"Streetcar named Desire" by Tennesse Williams.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Going... Going... Gone Throughout the course of Tennessee William's play, A Streetcar Named Desire, the character Blanche DuBois goes from being slightly mentally disturbed, to, by the end of the play, utterly mentally destroyed. Blanche DuBois goes through several changes throughout the play; most of them concentrate upon her relationship with other characters. But also, Blanche suffers her own change, an ever-growing slide into outright mental collapse. As Williams shows the change which happens to …

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…that they all come about from others actions. Williams's theme, that of ignorance of societal ills partially comes through within Blanche's changes, as society ignores her fragile condition and chooses instead to let abject cruelty occur, rather ten intervene. Blanche DuBois's changes within, A Streetcar Named Desire help advance the theme of William's and ultimately show that at least one character in this exploration of ignored societal ills is hurt by the neglect there of.