Street Lawyer

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The most common tale we hear of lawyers today is one of fast-rising, high-billing, no-feeling type of lawyers. Most people overlook the lawyers that do pro-bono work. (That is work for free for the charity of those who can't afford it.) Michael Brock started off as another lawyer who was on the fast track to partnership in a large firm with big billing habits. One day his life was changed forever after being held hostage …

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…on all those who work for the good of mankind. Grisham produces characters that should be role models for all Americans. Even though they are not rich, famous, or beautiful, without the Merdecai Greens and Michael Brocks, our world would be a place with more hate and anger than is imaginable. The novel has had a great impact on me and I believe it will also have a great impact on anyone who reads it.