Street Crime

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Is Street Crime More Harmful than White Collar Crime? By general definition, a crime is a wronging, proclaimed by law against society. All acts of disobeying the law are crimes. Be it an assault or embezzlement one has committed a wrong. Yet we have learned values and morals from our surroundings which gave us concepts of the degree of harm pertaining to a particular crime. From our being submerged in a culture, our concept of …

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…all crimes are a wrong committed against society, some do more damage to society then others. Street crimes are perhaps the most harmful to society, caused by the deviant criminal behavior on ones own neighborhood, this causes its destruction. Street crime has caused the legal economical, educational and moral declines in many neighborhoods. Violent street crime is not only a wrong against an individual of society but an act in the crumbling of society itself.