Strategy management of change (case study)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
1.0 Executive Summary The goals of achieving competitiveness and earning above-average returns are challenging, not only for regional firms such as Moss Adams, but also for those as small as a local computer retail outlet or dry cleaner. The challenges are substantial in the dynamic competitive landscape. Evidence the rapid changes experience by Cisco Systems. A "strong and well-thought-out-strategy" was regarded as the most important factor to make a firm the most respected in the future. …

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…with David Pearson, Strategic Marketing management, 1996 Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, Published in association with The Chartered Institute of marketing 6.<Tab/>Henry Mintzberg, James Brian Quinn, "The Strategy Process, concept, contexts, Cases, " 3rd Edition, published by Prentice hall International 7.<Tab/>Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, The Global Marketplace, chapter in Principle of Marketing, P. 630-638 8.<Tab/>Andrew B. Abel and Ben s. Bernanke, Macroeconomics, p. 30