Strategic Marketing Cases: Caterpillar Inc.

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Caterpillar Inc.--Early 1990s The assessment of opportunities and threats is the foundation upon which planners develop strategies. The Caterpillar case illustrates some of the problems associated with the identification of opportunities and threats, especially in a situation where previous successes are notable. Attempting to pattern long-term growth on the basis of previously valid assumptions is one of the classic dilemmas facing the strategic planner whether in consumer or organizational markets. Why was Caterpillar able …

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…changing competitive environment, the company can not return to its insular attitude towards competing in this industry. There are many challenges remaining for Caterpillar, if the company is to compete successfully in the 1990s. Harvard Business School, July 1991. Caterpillar Inc.: George Schaefer Takes Charge Caterpillar Company Information. Mission. Caterpillar. Web: Komatsu Code of Business Conduct. Komatsu, Inc.