Stranger in the Village

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Essay Database > Literature > English
During the summer of 1998 I began to worry about how I was going to feel about entering a new school. Sherwood High School was so different compared to Farquhar Middle. It is almost 3 times larger than Farquhar Middle. It felt odd to be at the summer orientation at Sherwood. I felt alone and confused about where I should be and how I would get there. The school seemed to be this huge maze, with no …

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…newcomer, but after the first year I gained confidence and made many lasting friendships. People who I thought were strangers and made me feel weird are now some of my closest friends. This experience will help me throughout life when I interview for a job or step into a new place with all new faces. I will always remember how I at first felt so dejected and know it only lasts for a little while.