Stranger From A Different Shore

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Struggling Strangers Strangers From A Different Shore by author/professor Ronald Takaki has brought a new perspective of my growing knowledge of the hardships and endless obstacles that Asian-Americans have struggled with through their immigration experience. Immigrants of Asia represent many countries and many different situations that have brought them to this "better" country with hopes for "more opportunities" to succeed. Asian-Americans are those whose roots are from Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, China, Cambodia, …

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…African-Americans have had to endure. Whereas African-Americans were forced here and Asians chose to flee their countries they in turn dealt with the same treatment by Americans and the government. The same harsh discrimination and the same treatment that they were less than an Anglo have resurfaced. It is a shame that we don't teach our population how history really happened, instead we cover it up to make it look less than it really was.