Story of an Hour 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Story of an Hour" When I read Kate Chopin's, "Story of an Hour" I am reminded of a Edgar Allan Poe horror poems. The narrator has a "divine transformation" yet it kills her. This puzzles me, so I will search for the true meaning of this strange story (marriage, as I believe). To accomplish this task and to truly understand this short story, I will first learn about Kate Chopin's life and experiences. Later, I …

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…analyzing this story I was able to interpret the meaning and purpose of this fine story. Though I have to admit reading Orwell or Hemingway is a bit easier to read and understand, but that just takes the fun out of it! Footnotes 1-4. Information compiled using Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening- Chronology, http://www. 5. Cunningham. Culture and Values, Volume II. Pages 378 and 379. Harcourt/Brace College Publishers. Orlando, FL. 1998.