Story from an Irish immigrant

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Moving from Ireland to the United States has been a life changing experience. Even thought I am now 20 years old, and we moved when I was 17, there is still a lot for me to learn. Mom and Pop brought my two brothers and I to the US from Bacu, Ireland for better jobs and education, so we moved to a big city called Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My oldest brother's name is Jacob and he is 26. The …

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…diet thing and the only thing she eats is something boring called salad. They had salad in Ireland but it was much different. Here it is just plain lettuce with disgusting flavors of dressing. <Tab/>I definitely miss Ireland but I am here to stay for good. I wouldn't go back to stay if I had the choice to. I like my new lifestyle and I don't want it to change.