Story On An Hour

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When I read Kate Chopin's, "Story of an Hour" I am reminded of a Edgar Allan Poe horror poems. The narrator has a "divine transformation" yet it kills her. This puzzles me, so I will search for the true meaning of this strange story (marriage, as I believe). To accomplish this task and to truly understand this short story, I will first learn about Kate Chopin's life and experiences. Later, I will investigate her use …

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…Chopin's "Story of an Hour" and found her unique writing style beautiful. It is very deceptive, only shedding its secrets through vague symbolism and implications. But through researching Chopin's life story and through analyzing this story I was able to interpret the meaning and purpose of this fine story. Though I have to admit reading Orwell or Hemingway is a bit easier to read and understand, but that just takes the fun out of it!