Stora Enso

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The History and Development of Stora Enso Stora Enso is a global producer of forest products, magazine papers, newsprint, fine papers and packaging boards, which their headquarters is located in Helsinki, Finland. Some 45,000 people are employed in more than 40 countries. The Port Hawkesbury Mill is part of Stora Enso North America, based out of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. The Nova Scotia Company was established in 1959 as Nova Scotia Pulp Ltd. Stora Enso Port Hawkesbury is the …

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…as well as in Asia. Exit Barriers are very High Exit barrier in the pulp and paper industry are very high because investments are substantial and there are no alternative uses for plant and equipment. Stora Enso is not a highly diversified company and is economically dependent on the paper industry for it's income, which means that if paper is not sold, revenue will not be achieved, therefore leaving Stora Enso's exit barriers very high.