Stopping The Hate

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Stopping the Hate Communities are built out of many types of people. Race, color, religion, and gender are the foundations in which a community is built. These differences can cause conflicts amongst the people living in our communities, which results in issues of unfair treatment, prejudice, and hate. Once people recognize this, people start to feel frustrated and misused. If people feel like this for a long time, resentment begins to build and people may …

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…rise and the problem continues to get worse everyday due to racism, etc. Law enforcement agencies can only do so much on their own to combat the problem of racism. Police need the support and assistance from all those who live in the community. Every person has the same opportunity to grow and strive for success. With the programs that I suggested above, together we could narrow the gap of violence committed in our community.