Stones of the Sea

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Roads, tracked by where the wind comes from, moving souls and feelings; far, but that far as only tomorrow can be, in the horizon that's always ahead, it goes down the sun, gets up the dawn; colors and voices of the nature, the huge stage for the life to play. Among the salt of the water, up where boats and quiet waves get a traveling along, one fisherman with no luck, was tracking his route …

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…doing funny and different shapes, figures and forms that could almost look like the silhouette of one real person. Peter stepped closer and, staring at them, he recognized the stones as being the resemblance, really there on the stones, the out look of the ones who were taken away from him. An actual picture of her sweet and forever beloved Anuette, that was going to be forever there, standing on the stones of the sea.