"Stone Mage and the Sea" by Sky Wardens.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Stone Mage and the Sea The Stone Mage and the Sea is a fascinating fantasy story depicting the life of a young boy and his father and their search for absolute freedom in a world where the huge red-sanded deserts are ruled by Stone Mages and the vast coastlines by Sky Wardens. Any child with magical capabilities is taken away to the Haunted City to be trained in the Change. The main characters, Sal …

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…in an eerie and strangely familiar atmosphere. It is a blend of elemental magic, tragedy and the coming of age of a young boy. It is suitable for any age as it creates a world so distinct that any person could visualise it. For lovers of science fiction/fantasy books, this is a must read. However, for people who prefer other genres, this is still a good read though you might give it a pass.