Stolen Generation How and why were Aborogonal children removed from their families? what did the government think of this?

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Essay Database > History > World History
From the late nineteenth-century to the late 1960s - even the dates are somewhat uncertain so little do we know - Australian governments, as a practice and as a policy, removed part-Aboriginal children from their mothers, parents, families and communities, often by force. Some of these children were taken at birth, some at two years of age, some in their childhood years. The babies and children were sent either to special purpose institutions, or in …

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…unfortunate native women at the disposal of lustful white men ... this policy is euphemistically described by Australian officialdom as 'the absorption' of the native race and the 'breeding out of colour'. We shall be better able to evaluate this policy when another race applies it to ourselves as 'the absorption of the white race' and 'the breeding out of white people'". Mary Bennett's was an exceptional voice. It is also one worth remembering and cherishing.