Stolen Generation -Aboriginals-

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Stolen Generation The role a family plays in bring up a child is: caring for them, protecting them, educating in behavior and customs of their social culture. Aboriginal families are very similar with a couple of additional roles. They are: feelings of kinship (bonding with their extended family) kinship is also the respect for elders who pass on the important traditions, values and stories within their culture, the understanding of values of sharing, understanding of …

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…it back you killed and tortured us calling us thieves. When you said it was better we leave our families and join a white community you promised us a substantial pay but all we got was rubbish. You say it was to be a benefit to all, well then place yourself in our boots and come to terms with reality. Instead of strengthening us you have weakened us, as a race and as a nation.