Stokely carmichael, a personal viewpoint.

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Running head: STOKELY CARMICHAEL A VIEW POINT Stokely Carmichael A View Point Shaun Kelly University of Phoenix GEN101 Skills for Life Long Learning Deborah K Berry December 17, 2002 Stokely Carmichael Personal Viewpoint Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Nelson Mandela, Stokely Carmichael, are they radical or terrorists or are they freedom fighters for a cause that is justified to them and their people. As we sit back in our lounge chairs and sofas and watch the news, we hear …

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…imperialist, communist, militant rebel, or do we recognize them as "Freedom Fighters" fighting for a just cause? In his last word before he died of cancer on November 15th 1998, he uttered, "The beat goes on, as always we remain, Ready for Revolution"(http:/ Reference Retrieved from the World Wide Web on December 04, 2002. (http:/ Retrieved from the World Wide Web on December 04, 2002. (http:/