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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Joe is thirty-two years old who has human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS), he has been cut off from his family emotionally and they do not telephone him as often as they used to. Christmas particularly is very strained for Joe, as his family will not acknowledge his partner. He is struggling with his feelings as to whether it is worth giving the family more time to come to terms with his situation or looking at …

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…of living, dying and death. Goffman, E, 1997, Selections from Stigma. In The disability studies reader, ed., L. Davis, Routledge, London, pp.203-215. Grossman, A.H. 1995, lessons from Greg Louganis in relating to gay, lesbian and bisexual youth. Journal of Lesurability, 24(4), pp.14.21. Miller, R & Bor, $, 1991, AIDS: A Guide to Clinical Counselling. Science Press. Philadelphia. Moynihan M. 1991, Emotional responses to the AIDS pandemic. In AIDS Prevention through Health Promotion, Facing Sensitive Issues. World Health Organization. Genevea.