Sticking with the theme of ocean currents
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Sticking with the theme of ocean currents, (from portfolio #2), I will reflect on Jan Kay?s Dec. 4, 2000 article titled ?Warming taking food from Pacific.? This article was retrieved from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel .
According to this article, warmer waters and changing ocean currents within the Pacific Ocean maybe causing a decline in plankton. Ocean plankton are the food source for many larger ocean creatures. According to a 50 year study, conducted by California Cooperative Fisheries Investigation (
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dense as it approaches the tropics. According to this article and satellite sensors which, help scientist map the oceans circulation, show that waters along the western U.S. have been relatively warmer. Possible reasons for this could be a result of global warming, warmer climates in the North Pacific Ocean, and/or an increase frequency in the appearance of El Nino. Bibliography References 1. National Geographic Oct. 2000 2.
dense as it approaches the tropics. According to this article and satellite sensors which, help scientist map the oceans circulation, show that waters along the western U.S. have been relatively warmer. Possible reasons for this could be a result of global warming, warmer climates in the North Pacific Ocean, and/or an increase frequency in the appearance of El Nino. Bibliography References 1. National Geographic Oct. 2000 2.