Steve Roland Prefontaine: a brief biography of one of the most famous track stars of all time

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Steve Roland Prefontaine, known in the track world as "Pre," was born in Coos Bay, Oregon, January 25, 1951. He was the son of Raymond Prefontaine, a carpenter, and Elfriede Sehnholz, a seamstress. He had two sisters and was never married. Prefontaine grew up speaking German, and was teased at school. This is what pushed him toward sports. At Marshfield High School, Prefontaine learned that track was a perfect sport for his small size and frame. His …

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…his generation by setting the record at that time for every distance more than 2,000 meters. "He went from a hometown hero, to a record-setting college phenomenon, to an internationally acclaimed track star." In 1980, the city of Coos Bay set up a memorial statue as a remembrance of his career, and every year he is honored at the Prefontaine Memorial Run, a 10K race with its finish line at the highschool track where he first competed.