Steroids and Athletes... the different affects different steroids have on the human body, and how it is related to our althletes.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Since the 1950's, some athletes have taken steroids to gain strength, build muscle, and boost athletic performance. Other parts of the population have also begun to take steroids as well. Athletes' use of steroids is very popular these days, but even though steroids do produce quick gains in muscle size, they also have some very serious side effects. <Tab/>So, what are steroids? Steroids are drug or hormonal substances chemically and …

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…were seniors. When a person has taken steroids, he or she really does not have anything top be proud of. They have not achieved anything as a result of hard work and dedication. They achieved their wishes by taking drugs. There are better ways of becoming big and muscular without using artificial means, which can be so damaging physically and psychologically. All someone needs is the will and perseverance to keep going and to help