Steroids 2

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
STEROIDS: PLAYING A DANGEROUS GAME Have you ever thought of doing serious weight training to give yourself a better muscular build? Have you ever thought steroids would be a helpful tool in doing so? If you have you must know that steroids are a deadly and illegal drug. After reading my paper I hope that the thought of using steroids will leave your mind forever and encourage you to keep others of them. To understand …

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…that anabolic steroids are very harmful and should not be used by anyone for any purpose. They may sound like a wonder drug, but I assure you, using steroids will put your career and life in serious jeopardy. I also hope that after reading this you will now want to put your knowledge of this to use in warning others, especially children, about the dangers of steroids. Playing with steroids is playing a dangerous game.