Stereotyping in the Media

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
My topic will address how minorities and women are misrepresented in the media and how they are stereotyped. I plan to show how minorities and women are depicted or stereotyped unfairly in the news, on television, and in general. In an article from USA Today magazine, it illustrated that if you have watched, listened to, and read media all your life, you probably have filed these images into your thinking process: African-Americans are mostly rap …

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…Michele A. (1994, August). "Off the air" Hispanic, 7, (7), 30-34. Ingham, Helen. (1997, April 6). "The portrayal of Women on television." Johnson, Robert E. (1995, February 27). "Camille Cosby's book explores negative images of Blacks in media." Jet, 87, (16), 60-62. Saltzman, Joe. (1994, November). "In whose image - media stereotypes of minorities." USA Today (magazine), 123, (2594), 71. Sunoo, Brenda Paik. (1994, November). "Tapping diversity in America's newsrooms." Personnel Journal, 73 (11), 104. Zook, Kristal Brent. (1994, June 28). Blackout. Village Voice, 39 (26), 51-54.