Stereotypes in the film "American Beauty"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Stereotyping In Modern Film Stereotypes are extremely prominent in modern cinema, the first example that springs to mind is that of the film "American Beauty", directed by Sam Mendes, in 1999. Here is a seriocomic look at suburban America, which utilizes various stereotypes in order to make a broader statement on the symptoms supposedly brought upon us by living boring suburban lives. While the stereotypes work to the filmmakers' advantage in the film's cutting comic stages, …

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…the film has made them into stereotypes to paint a broader picture, and surrounded them by stereotypes to paint a broader picture of their surroundings. Though I thoroughly enjoyed the film, the extent of these stereotypes and their purpose was not made fully clear until I analyzed the film based solely on the stereotypes it contains. This speaks volumes for simplicity and the complexity of the film. Works Cited: Dyer, Richard. "The Role of Stereotypes."