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Essay Database > Literature > English
Stereotypes are the organizational factors that virtually shape the way we think in 20th century America. They somehow manage to categorize some of life’s most complex matters into nice distinct sections. Classifications and organization, at first glance seem to be useful in distinguishing various aspects of modern life. However, these grouping methods can be very inaccurate, leaving erroneous ideas in the minds of citizens on a global level. Stereotypes, though originating as convenient sorting …

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…broad categories, creating immovable terms, and being mistakenly identified as facts, stereotypes often place inaccurate ideas in the people’s minds. They have a huge impact on the thought process and ideas. As increasingly more and more people become aware of this error, many of the stereotypes we now embrace will become obsolete. Works Consulted Lane, Charles. “Let’s Abolish the Third World.” Thinking Globally. Andrew E. Robson. McGraw-Hill: United States of America, 1997. 155 – 160. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**