Stereo Typing How One Should Feel?. My comments on how people stereo type others just because of their country and how should we react towards them.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Stereo Typing How One Should Feel? Syed Raza Fayyaz I understand almost everything is stereotyped in some way. I don't necessarily feel angry towards the people who think or believe on the stereotypes associated with Nepalese. Statistics also show that if there is any stereotype associated with someone then it has some kind of truth in it. I discovered in Maryland State that people think West Virginia is a place of extremists and rednecks. People …

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…it. Living like a student, keeping expenses in control and not moving towards luxury cars can defend the concept that we are extremely rich. Of course living in a way that all expenses are in control and a pure student is a possible thing to do. Submitting all assignments on time and being present at school at right time can prevent the concept of being irresponsible. These are the things we can do and control.