Steps To Survival

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
People's dream is to be safe and free in this new land of milk and honey, they risk their lives by heading north to the United State. Maria, Julia and Oscar carry hope for a new life; they struggle to escape from the darkness of El Salvador. They squeeze themselves in a crate as the pain rises after each jerk of the truck. "Julia's shoulders rocked back and forth as she pressed Oscar's face into …

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…clarifies Maria's, Julia's and, Oscar's survival. As you can see, there are different tools and recourses Maria, Julia and Oscar are using in order to survive. They carry luck, perseverance and others' compassion. Maria, Julia and Oscar survival is magnanimous, because it not just makes the dream of surviving on the land of milk and honey comes true, but it also pleases Maria father's spirit that his daughter is being able to save the family.