Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis tied to a theme in Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

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Onto his village, Kumalo imparts the sense of spirituality and his occupation is that of minister; his journey into Johannesburg alters his perceptions of reality and it is through him that Paton shows the strength that faith can provide strength to those who are worthy and deserving of it and to be used for the greater good. When his brother, John, allows the power of voice that he wields over the others, Stephen goes to …

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…that James leaves behind for John Harrison as he is leaving to return to Ndotsheni, he says, "For your club ... Do all the things you and Arthur wanted to do" (247). In this letter, James endows John with a thousand pounds that will allow him to improve the club and attempt to improve relations between the two races. Through James pursuit of knowledge, Paton unveils the truths of religion that man has hidden deep within himself.