Stephen King

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Stephen King In literature, authors often write about the world around them. In other words, they write what they live. Take, for example, William Shakespeare. He lived through the Elizabethan Era of the Renaissance. He was a rich man and wrote mainly to please the queen, so all of his works involve a person of royalty as the main character. Another good example is George Orwell. In his classic masterpiece, "1984", he takes in all the …

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…King, Stephen Different Seasons Doubleday 1982 "King Biography" (n.d.) 2pp. Online. Internet. 1 February 2001 Available WWW: "News Events" (n.d.) 4pp. Online. Internet. 1 February 2001 Available WWW: Richardson, Ian "Stephen King"(n.d.)1pp. Online. Internet. 1 February 2001 Available WWW: debut-open.htm "Stephen King Personal Information" (n.d.) 1pp. Online. Internet. 1 February 2001. Available WWW: