Stephen Crane's, "The Blue Hotel".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Outline: Stephen Crane, "The Blue Hotel" Thesis: The purpose of the structure is to thoroughly define the characters, persuade the reader to choose sides, and to suspend the reader. I. Introduction A. Stephen Crane's "The Blue Hotel" is a suspenseful drama. B. The Blue Hotel mentioned in the title is located in an old western town. C. There is an odd mix of characters that help play out the suspenseful storyline. D. The purpose of …

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…that they will add to this complex structure. By knowing each character, the reader can predict how each one will react to different situations. The author gives such a thorough definition of characters; the reader is persuaded to choose sides. This structure makes the story interesting and suspenseful. The writer leaves the reader in suspense by not directly pointing out that Johnny did cheat. All these elements combined in this structure make an excellent story.