Stephen Austin Father of Texas.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Austin was born in southwestern Virginia, Nov. 3, 1793, and died in Dec. 27, 1836. Taking into consideration the difficulties of his mission, the completeness of his task for its achievement, and its influential outcome, Stephen F. Austin is claimed to be the most colonial proprietary in American history. He was famous as "The Father of Texas". Stephen F. Austin founded the first Anglo-American colony in the Tejas province of Mexico and made it develop into an independent republic. …

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…him of home, wife, and family, was one of destiny's harsh paradoxes a stressful personal tragedy. Bibliography Barr, Alwyn and Robert A. Calvert. Black Leaders: Texas for Their Times. Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 1981. Binkley, William C. The Texas Revolution. Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Cantrell, Gregg. Stephen F. Austin Empresario of Texas. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999Association, 1979 Pohl, James W. The Battle of San Jacinto. Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 1989